About Us

Sunbeams Day Nursery is located on Hawkers Hill, Mitcheldean in the old Victorian primary school building. Sunbeams has been established since 1997 as a privately run day nursery. The premises have been equipped to care for the needs of children from eighteen months to five years, offering full and part time care.
We are registered with OFSTED and we accept a number of childcare funding sources, such as workplace vouchers, two, three and four year funding and 30 hours funding.
We employ qualified early years practitioners and offer further training to staff to reach a level three qualification. All staff receive a DBS, child protection and first aid training.
Our aim is to provide a safe, secure, homely environment for all children and to help them develop by learning through play. We provide a range of learning experiences through planned activities, drawing on the natural environment, home life experiences and the wider world. We keep a learning journey, noting children’s development and interests and use this to plan future activities and next steps for each child. All children are allocated a key person to ensure they form a close bond with a member of staff.
Sunbeams has two units; Busy Bees for children 18 months to 2 and a half years
Learning Ladybirds for children 2 and half years to school age.
These ages are approximate and dependant on each child's individual stage of development.