Sunbeams Stages
Sunbeams has three dedicated groups for children at different stages of development. They each have their own rooms, full equipped with age appropriate toys and resources designed to stimulate and support them in their learning.
The children have access to a variety of areas within the setting including outdoor areas, messy play room and dining area. Click on the links below to find out more.
for children aged 18 months to 2.5 years
At eighteen months, children make the transition to our toddler unit - Busy Bees. We offer settling in sessions in advance and are flexible as to age, depending on stage of development.
Busy Bees provides a range of accessible play equipment, natural resources, sensory experiences and physical opportunities to develop children’s all round development.
We also introduce regular story times, singing, hand washing and outdoor play times to help children develop a sense of routine whilst allowing ample time for playing and exploring........
for children aged 2.5 years to school age
Learning Ladybirds covers children from two and a half years to school transition age. We have two large rooms equipped for a range of play opportunities, covering all areas of the EYFS curriculum.
We aim to help children construct, create, engage in imaginative play and above all, have fun through learning. There is ample time given daily to choosing their own activities and adults give support to extend and develop their ideas.
We introduce themes, based on children’s interests and plan activities based on this.......